Yutaka Minegishi wins the Herbert Hofmann Prize
Congratulations to Yutaka Minegishi, who was recently named a recipient of the Hebert Hofmann Award at the annual Schmuck event in Munich, alongside Misato Seki (Japan) and Junwong Jun (Korea).
The jurors, Cornelie Holzach, Sophie Hanagarth, Otto Künzli and Gert Bruckner, said of Minegishi’s work:
“From the circular shape of the ring, he develops a monolithic-looking head. The dynamic of the form is created by the gradual rotation and winding of the material. As a result, the rings lose the coldness of the geometry and they meet the human body. Gold and amber live on color and their specific shine. The opacity of the gold is contrasted with the transparency of the amber, so that we can see through the rings of Yutaka Minegishi for the first time in these works.”